Substance Use Disorder Services
The CHAS Health Behavioral Health Center (CBHC) provides substance use disorder (SUD) treatment for patients and their families. Our team of experienced substance use disorder professionals (SUDPs) support patients on their individual recovery paths.
Pathways to Recovery
CHAS Health provides outpatient and intensive outpatient SUD treatment for patients, from those actively seeking to stop substance use to those in early remission needing resources for preventing relapse. In some cases, patients may be referred to community partners for services such as withdrawal management. Others may be referred to residential SUD treatment. All patients are supported throughout their treatment journey with wrap-around services from their CHAS Health SUD team, including medical providers, behavioral health providers, peer support specialists, and care navigators.
Ready to get help?
Call 509.444.8200 (WA) or 208.848.8300 (ID) to get started on the road to recovery today.
What to Expect
Once a patient initiates interest in services, the CHAS Health SUD team will assess needs of each patient and provide support in accessing services within CHAS Health or with external partners to best fit their needs.
General SUD Services
CBHC-North (Spokane)
1.0 outpatient and 2.1 Intensive Outpatient
CBHC-Lewiston (Idaho)
Telehealth SUD services level 1.0 outpatient
Opioid Recovery
Access to opioid recovery services is available throughout CHAS Health Primary Care and Behavioral Health clinics. Call 509.444.8200 (WA) or 208.848.8300 (ID) to get started on the road to recovery today.