CHAS Health provides professional coverage for medical emergencies during hours when the center is closed via a 24/7 Nurse Advice Hotline and with on-call medical, dental, and OB providers. CHAS Health also operates two Urgent Care locations with extended hours and days of operation.
The 24/7 Nurse Advice Hotline 509.444.8200 triages urgent and emergent health situations by providing telephone access to professionally trained staff to assess the patient’s need for emergency medical care and, if appropriate, who can then refer patients to a covering physician or licensed or certified independent practitioner, and/or to locations such as emergency rooms or urgent care facilities for further assessment or immediate care. The hotline also offers translation services for patients with limited English proficiency.
If a patient calls the CHAS Health appointment line 509.444.8200 in Washington or 208.848.8300 in Idaho after hours, they are assessed for appropriate connection to the Nurse Advice Hotline or to a CHAS Health on-call provider. If the patient has limited English proficiency, they can be connected directly to the Nurse Advice Hotline for translation assistance.
If you need after hours care, please contact 509.444.8200
Ne kwoj aikuj takto elikin awa, jouj im kur lok 509.444.8200
Если вам нужна помощь в нерабочее время, звоните по телефону 509.444.8200
Si necesita atención fuera de las horas hábiles, llame al 509.444.8200