Title: Clinical Pharmacist
More to Know
Mitch Kayser has been at CHAS since 2017 and enjoys interacting with patients. His passion is to help people receive the most beneficial medicine for their conditions while eliminating unnecessary medications from their regimen. In his free time, Mitch enjoys staying active and living a healthy lifestyle.
Specialties: Anticoagulation, Asthma & COPD, Diabetes, Hepatitis C, HIV/AIDS
Languages: English
Locations: Denny Murphy Clinic
Contact: 509.462.6573
- PharmD
- Certified Asthma Educator (AE-C)
- HIV certified pharmacist (AAHIVP)
Areas of Focus
- Diabetes
- Anticoagulation
- Cardiovascular disease
- Asthma/COPD
- Hepatitis C
- University of Montana Skaggs School of Pharmacy, PharmD