Spring is officially here, flowers and plants are blooming and that means spring allergies are on their way but how can you prevent allergy symptoms? The best way to avoid allergy symptoms is to avoid allergens (things you are allergic to). The most common allergies are listed below with some tips on how to avoid them:
Pollen: Try to avoid time outside when pollen counts are high. Pollen is worse in the spring when flowers are blooming, on hot and windy days, worse in the morning, and better after rain and on cooler days. You can track the pollen counts online. Always keep windows shut to prevent pollen from entering your house. Recirculate air in your car so the pollen outside doesn’t get inside. Change clothes and take a shower after spending a lot of time outside to wash away any pollen. Never dry clothes outside.
Dust: Wash all bedding every 1-2 weeks in hot water. Vacuum frequently and use a damp cloth to dust all flat surfaces (furniture, blinds, woodwork). Remove carpet from the bedroom if possible. Remove all stuffed animals from the bed. Make sure your air conditioner has a clean HEPA filter.
Mold: Keep humidity low in your house. Make sure to clean humidifiers frequently, and try to keep moisture from collecting anywhere in your house. If you do notice mold in a small area, use bleach to try to get rid of it. Avoid decomposing plants, such as jumping in leaves in the fall.
Pets: Remove carpets because animal dander often gets trapped in carpet. Keep the pets out of the bedroom. Bathe your pets often. Make sure to wash your hands after petting your animal.
If you have been avoiding allergens and your symptoms continue, talk to your doctor about possible treatments or to have allergy testing to determine the allergen your body is reacting to.
This is the 1st part in a 4 part allergy series, be sure to follow for more!
By Sarah Giomi, Communications Intern and Bill Bomberger, PA-C