March 14, 2022
Kids News March 2022

Physical activity is an important part of your child’s daily routine. We know that starting healthy activities at a young age can help establish healthy habits for life. A lot of kids have struggled to remain physically active over the last year as families were dealing with COVID-19. Now is a great time to help them get back on track!

Kids Dancing

Unfortunately, obesity has become an epidemic in our country and has been starting at younger and younger ages. Obesity leads to other more serious, health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep difficulties, and joint pain. We also know that children that stay active have improved sleep, focus in school, and benefits to their mental health.

Children aged 6 and above should get a minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity a day. While their activity during recess and PE counts towards this, it is important to also add activities they can do outside of school. Some ideas to keep in mind:

  • Find an activity your child enjoys. This could be a team sport, biking, dancing, swimming, or playing at a local playground.
  • Set limits on screen time. Make sure your child gets their physical activity in before they get their screen time.
  • Model good behavior. If your child sees you staying active, they will want to be more active themselves.
  • Find family activities. Go on a hike, swim, or a bike ride as a family. Play a family game of hide and seek or tag.
  • Find small ways to add activity to your day. Try walking to school rather than driving, park far from the entrance to the store, take the stairs rather than an elevator.
  • Sign up for after school activities at your child’s school. They can enjoy time with their friends while staying active.
Kids Bustin' a Move

“. . . children that stay active have improved sleep, focus in school, and benefits to their mental health.”

Ashley Mickelson, MD

By Ashlee Mickelson, MD

CHAS Health